The benefits of belonging to the National Society of Allied Health include:
- The NSAH connects you with colleagues for communication and collaboration in identifying career opportunities, conducting scholarly activities, and planning health promotion and prevention activities that impact the African American community.
- The NSAH’s Annual Meeting provides a platform for Allied Health faculty and practitioners to present research, scholarly activities, and innovative health programs
- The NSAH provides mentors for students attending HBCU’s and other Colleges and Universities that have Allied Health programs.
- The NSAH sponsors and promotes chapters of Epsilon Tau Sigman, the Student Honor Society of the NSAH at HBCU member institutions.
- The NSAH conducts continuing education for faculty and practitioners/clinicians at the Annual Meeting.
- The Journal of the National Society of Allied Health serves as a source of information and as a forum for the publication of scholarly works.
- The NSAH provides opportunities for networking with health care professionals who are able to serve as resources for information regarding education in HBCUs and discuss the issues of health disparities and allied health workforce development concerns.
- The NSAH provides an opportunity for faculty leadership development through organization and committee service.